Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Trees assembled for display

The metallic frames of the large Christmas trees have been painted, decorated and assembled at the local shopping centre. One of the groups that share the kitchen at our shed is the cricket club. We welcome back two of our shedders who have recently been in hospital. The learning centre will be closed from the 22nd December till 16th January.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Christmas Trees Project

Inherited from the Lions club, the shedders will maintain the metal frames that make the Christmas Trees. The shedders will transport the painted frames to a primary school for decoration. Then the decorated frames are driven to the local shopping centre where shedders assemble them for street display.
This week has been a very busy week for electrical tagging.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Plant and Fertilize

After lunch today, a group stayed together, told jokes and chatted.  It lasted 2 hours.  One or two were gardening. Seed planting and liquid fertilizing are shown here.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Men's Shed Conference & Forum

Key quotes: "Have 3 mates"
"Social isolation breeds mental illness".

Saturday, August 13, 2011

History of shed (video)

The principal co-ordinator of the shed from its beginnings in 2004 to the present explains on video how the shed grew. More soon.
Friday 19th Aug. A visit to Cranbourne Botanical Gardens.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011

Tool Show & Tell

Next Frid: Mulching and learning more about the Series 2000 Workcentre.
Words used were: adze, block plane, ridged, mark line, rounding, hollowing, sythe (part of)

Chisels are never to touch metal.
A chisel tip that melts is no longer sharp.

One's basic and most used tools. Measure twice and cut once.
Special Demo: a Side Slip Meter was explained.
Welcome to our 4 new members.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Financial advice

"Nobody will lend to me any more!"
"I will never borrow!"
"I live week to week."
"It started out free then suddenly costs and fees were mentioned."
An extract of the talk on finance. ref:

Rose Pruning - a visit.

Wild rose stem starts young rose.

The standard rose. Focus on the stump.

Prune the rose bush stump upwards. Thanks Felco.

Back at the shed. A picture holder ready to be varnished.

Friday, May 20, 2011

New members anticipated

Yien is encouraging new members to join our men's shed.

Wooden tables for belted machinery: jointer & saw.

Our dedicated former construction engineer is building two tables to support (a) an electric saw and (b) a jointer. The 'jointer' table. In the view from the top the hole for the belt is evident.

In the side view the sloping adjustable section will be used to tighten the belt.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gardening assistance and training

Some senior students will assist shedders to grow seeds and seedlings in the coming weeks.  Concurrently a short course will be run on gardening.  Furthermore shedders are volunteering to landscape the Open Door Building surrounds. In the photo are shedder-built raised beds and planter-boxes-on-legs (to assist drainage).  This week these areas will be given weeding and fertilising.


Shedders helped plan, build, landscape the shed room and assemble a donated coolroom within. The building was opened Thurs 28th April by Mayor Gr Dandenong Cr Roz Blades.
The feet of the some shedders and partners who helped. Time to listen.

 The ribbon cutting celebrates the combined contribution of volunteers, shedders, council, and a list of sponsors including food donors.
Denis Minogue Manager of the Open Door Program here and the Men's Shed is farewelled.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Austin7 club visited

Presenting their cars in immaculate condition, tens of members of the Austin7 car club (see link at page end) visited in perfect weather. Doug spoke about the manufacture of the Austin and how it was the basis of other cars.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Austin 7's Car Club to show cars 1st April

Austin 7's Car Club 1st April BBQ lunch $5  - at the shed. Please RSVP by 31st March  9798 7005.
The current coolroom floor and the construction of an indoor office are projects for the near future.  Last Friday the ATO talk on taxation was well received. Two representatives attended the VMSA quarterly meeting.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Donated coolroom assembly begun

Coming Friday events:
March 25 at 1:00pm  Talk on taxation
April 1 at 11am  Talk from the Austin7 Car club
(stay for lunch at only $5 cost)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Needed volunteer tutors for computer training

Tutors for basic computer and internet training are required.  The days are Monday to Friday and the times 9am to 4pm. The commitment is for the school term and the minimum commitment is 1 hour with 1 student per week. Please phone Keysborough Learning Centre 03 9798 7005 to volunteer.